
2016-05-15 Shotaku's Paper Sword

Shotaku (Japan, 14th C), third abbess of Tokei-ji, fends off an armed attacker with nothing more than a rolled up piece of paper and the force of her finely honed ki. Acknowledging our fears, we can act with courage, training ourselves to respond one-hundred-percent we can discover fearlessness, prior to the arising of thought.

About the Podcast

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AZC The Hidden Lamp
In this ongoing series Roshi Amala Wrightson explores the stories from The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women (edited by Florence Caplow and Susan Moon).

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About your host

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Roshi Amala Wrightson

Roshi Amala Wrightson is the full-time teacher at the Auckland Zen Centre. Amala-roshi began her Zen training at the Rochester Zen Center in 1989, shortly after completing an M.A. in Italian at Auckland University, and was ordained as a priest there in 1999. In late 2003, upon completion of formal koan training under Roshi Kjolhede, Amala-roshi returned to resettle in New Zealand. She and her husband, Sensei Richard von Sturmer, co-founded the Auckland Zen Centre in 2004. The Centre offers regular sittings, talks, zen meditation workshops, retreats (sesshin) and opportunities to engage in compassionate action. All Roshi's talks are shared in our "AZC Weekly Talks" podcast.